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The Challenge


Setting the Stage

After taking a hiatus from youth club soccer, transitioning from summer to winter, I found myself back on the sidelines watching indoor soccer and futsal with parents and friends. During this time, I was feeling drained from yo-yo dieting, lackluster workouts, and the stress of life's curveballs. It became clear that I needed to take control and be accountable to myself. With some self-reflection and guidance from a friend, I decided to take back control of my health.


Kick-Starting My Journey

A friend recommended joining a 10-week challenge to jump-start my wellness journey. Challenges push us beyond our limits and foster growth. This particular challenge was designed to reset my habits, focusing on sustainable exercise and healthy eating. Completing the challenge was both daunting and exhilarating, testing my resilience and determination. It also taught me valuable life lessons along the way.


Tools for Success

Having been a member of a well-run local women's gym for years, I experienced phases of attending religiously and periods of not going at all. Eventually, I opted for a home gym setup. I dusted off my dumbbells, invested in a spin bike, resistance bands, and two kettlebells. The 10-week challenge included a simple yet effective home workout routine that I grew to love.

To deepen my understanding, I read several books that helped me learn, understand, and track my macros. I finally grasped the importance of incorporating more protein into my diet—advice given to me years ago that I had neglected. Here are two foundational books that shaped my personal journey:


  • Forever Strong by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Learn about building strength, the impact of protein, and metabolism.

  • Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia

A wealth of information on topics like VO2Max, grip strength, emotional well-being, and more.


I also use My Fitness Pal to track my macros, which syncs with my Apple Watch to provide a comprehensive view of the impact of exercise and diet. Additionally, I use Lumen, a device I impulsively purchased over a year ago. While it didn't magically help me lose weight without understanding macronutrients, I now use it every morning to check if my body is burning fat, carbs, or both.


Setting Personal Challenges

There's no doubt that challenges push us beyond our limits and encourage growth. After losing 23.2 pounds and over 15% body fat during the 10-week challenge, I created my own personal challenge with specific benchmarks and goals. I journal daily about accomplishments, setbacks, emotions, and give myself grace to continue. This isn't a race or a competition—it's my lifestyle. Some of my goals include doing a chin-up or pull-up (I'm close!), improving grip strength, reducing waist circumference, and continuing my education on health and well-being.


Ups and Downs

Every challenge comes with its highs and lows. Moments of doubt and setbacks are inevitable. However, each obstacle provides a learning experience. The key to overcoming challenges is persistence and maintaining a positive mindset. Reflecting on these experiences has revealed a strength I never knew I had.


What I Learned

Through this challenge and ongoing journey, I've learned the importance of setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories. It's not about the destination—it's about the journey and growth. I can't wait to share more details and inspire you to take on your own challenges.


Join me on this path to a healthier, more fulfilling life. Let's tackle these challenges together and celebrate every milestone along the way!


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